Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers


That last entry was rather dreary, and I just feel like I need to say, my life is not dreary. It is comfortable and I have most everything I need and a good deal of what I want. I'm not healthy, that is something I would wish for, but I am not near death or anything.

I've been working out. I used the last two winters to built up my spring/winter/fall wardrobe. When I step out after the temps drop, I'm going to be stylin' baby. But I want my skinniest body back. I have to resist the Zyprexa that knocks me out at night, and makes my brain beg for food all. of. the. time. I think I have emptied the house of things I can eat. I looked in the grocer's circular to find some food, and I couldn't.

I'm a very picky eater. I will cook anything you bring me to cook. But I hate most food and my missing teeth make it really hard to bite or chew. One of my biting teeth on the bottom is loose, but not loose enough to come out, and it's been like that for a really long time. But it makes me not want to bite into things because when I do, it moves. EW!

There, a silly teeth story. I still haven't gone to a dermatologist for the cancer, but I will soon. Once Doc gets into the habit of work every week day. I have the name and addy of my mom's dermatologist that takes care of her basal cell carcinomas and she recommended her highly.

I have been battling the black and brown widows on the patio. So far I am winning. I got bit by one of them last year. And the year before that, Evie got bit and died. It's been a gas. Or a spray. Heh heh heh.

Doc let me get all of my jewelry supplies. Metal stamp kit, metal clay kit, a bunch of clay, jewelry for a doll I am making and for earrings.

So I am busy learning to do new things. I got my Wacom tablet, which is an electronic drawing pad. I'm lousy at drawing, but it came with software that lets me "use" brushes and mediums to play with. Once I am ready to set up my websites again, since I renewed them, it will come in handy to make the graphics like nothing else.

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