- Sat, 15:07: Shit. Damn. fuck, and Piss. https://t.co/rg55mlOq33
- Sat, 15:50: Some great news! https://t.co/RaCAJ9t7Xb
- Sat, 16:53: That #low #temp #tonight is going to be #sweet. @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/8dj2CMODh7
- Sun, 06:37: #Sunday #morning. #Watching the #news #shows. It's #ALL about the #glamour. @ Las Vegas At… https://t.co/L6vqekuUYm
- Sun, 07:54: #Simon #cranks up the #cuteness #factor. @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/6cvUexZ3Mv
- Sun, 08:21: Ok, #Freddie #loves her #fuzzles, too. I'm on a #mission to #catch and fuzzle #ALL the #cats… https://t.co/OAXb837Z6b
- Sun, 09:01: #YES!! 💖 Got the #Freddie #belly #rub. #Next up, #Minge belly #rubs, this will be #harder. @ Las… https://t.co/rEABc6JJcZ
- Sun, 09:12: I #left the #house to #find #Doc's #kitten. I #met #Mister. #Fluffball, #instead. @ Las Vegas… https://t.co/8qGCJnrchY
- Sun, 09:15: A #pallet I need to go #grab fot #Halloween. Oh, #yes, we're #getting #ready #now. @ Las Vegas… https://t.co/WuFN9lVcbk
- Sun, 09:46: Rose #fuzzles now. I may as well get the #dogs, too. @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/bZJAb8FWuM
- Sun, 10:14: I #love #being #thin at last! A #belt I #bought at a #thrift #store #long ago #fits me #now. I… https://t.co/17UVWHRsK6