- Tue, 14:28: Who believes that a veteran gave @realDonaldTrump his Purple Heart today? I swear, 9 year old girls lie more convincingly than Trump does.
- Tue, 14:32: I don't mean to be obvious, or anything, but waiting on people sucks ass!
- Tue, 14:35: Okay, say @realDonaldTrump loses (please say it), then what? Does he go away? Does he keep trying to fuck shit up? Can we exile him?
- Tue, 14:43: #Watching #MSNBC while #trying to #hold my #brain in. @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/O3iwh8Uywl
- Tue, 15:01: I'm thinking of becoming a spy for Switzerland.
- Tue, 15:06: Ack? Is that Spanish intervention? Where the hell did they all go? I must Google things . . . https://t.co/3LKoEomEPW
- Tue, 15:33: My #sweet #Rose-#dog #loves #cuddles. #shelterdog #rescuepup @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/uSzHUfOhjX
- Wed, 08:57: RT @ValTenterhosen: People frequently ask me 'Why do you write what you write?' And I say 'I like the way the keys sound when I press them…
- Wed, 09:15: RT @chelliet22: You are the type of incredible that makes even a broken heart noble and beautiful.
- Wed, 09:18: RT @NotThatKristi: *kicks feelings under the fridge*
- Wed, 09:19: RT @icehead13: When you find a safe place to hide, take me with you.
- Wed, 09:27: RT @KatStilesAuthor: The FANGORIA Guide to Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival 2016! #horror https://t.co/jffnuURaIK
- Wed, 09:34: #Minge-#cat will get #comfy #anywhere. @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/OPFnx4jGwf