Dear Diary,
And here begins a new multimedia project campaign . . .
I have, in development, and finally ready to go, a multimedia web project about the life and times of two rats, brought up together. It will include a website for the rats in question, further known as the Stars; with photo and video galleries, a blog by and about the Stars, a Patron Board, allowing you to be an active, named, pictured part of their lives; and whatever else I can think of.
Here’s the deal: There are a few things that I need Patronage for. Since my Patreon account is not working, I’m going to set this up via social media and see what happens. The list, so far is:
- Rat supplies listed and organized in on my Awesome Gifting List (which has been fixed and there will be no more problems with). If you purchase an item, please drop me an email to tell me, with a mailing address and contact name that will get to you. You will be entitled to occasional photo updates and other such goodies, like rat-art. My Awesome Gifting List can be found here: . . . the rat supplies are on page 3 (so you don’t have to scroll through all of the books and toys).</p>
The dreaded cash. The rats will need to be purchased, I will need Uber fare to and from the pet shop (can’t take exotics on the bus), and the beasties will need to be neutered for their own good. Again, if you donate to this specific purpose, please make a note/drop me an email at to let me know you are helping out and interested in the project long term. The applicable PayPal addy is, it’s my business account and goes straight into my bank.
Words of support for Doc. He had a bad rat experience, and he is wary of getting more. I don’t blame him at all. It has taken me years to get over the bad thing that happened with Jezebel. I’m finally ready to let the little critters into my life again, but he is trepidacious. So any encouragement would be greatly appreciated. You know, that you are into this, and you think it would be a good project for me to practice connectivity to the real world and the mothering that I am suddenly feeling the need to share. His email is Just don’t lecture him, he hates that. Just words of support and encouragement to allow him to welcome these two new lives into his family. He just lost a big part of his life, when his dad passed. He is afraid to accept new love, especially from critters that won’t live more than 8 years at the very outside. He can’t help, in his state, but mourn the loss of what we don’t yet have. It’s tragic, but I think I could get him on board with this and we could have fun with it, not just me.
Help chosing the names. I have several pair chosen and will post them as a poll on, come and vote as often as you want, up to once a week, and help me decide on which pair will grace my babies. Most of them are show references that I am a fangurl of or inside jokes.
And that is all I am asking. I have no minimum that you can support with. Some of the rat items are really cheap, some of you can paypal me a buck. Every little bit helps. And all monies given toward this specific purpose will 100% go to the care and upkeep of the critters.
This is going to be fun. I will document the donations, supply arrivals, emails regarding the project, the picking out of the rats (I can live stream that even, you can actually help me chose who I will adopt!). Show their training and vet check-ups, the playing and the eating, etc, everything they do. They will be internet stars.
What will I provide? The home, love, fresh veggies, home made chewy biscuits, walks, rolls in the balls in the back yard with the cats . . . everything non-material. And I will document it all. We can really have fun with this. Most reality TV shows are populated by “rats”, why not reality webtv featuring actual rats? Someone you can respect.
And extra money or supplies I get will go to the Las Vegas Animal Foundation for their exotic pet section. I will provide pictures/reciepts/testimonials.
Keep in mind that this is not just a long-term performance art project, it is intensive therapy for me to aid in keeping me tethered to the real world (if you’ve watched the recent video, you understand how important an issue that is for me) and real time and the needs of others. To keep me from retreating entirely inside of myself. The cats help with this, and I have fun with Circus Catimus and the Agents of Meowssad, but they are independent creatures, not wont to be trained. The rats will be a much more intensive experience that I will have to pay attention to and you can help me. This will do me wonders, mentally, and give me something to concentrate on when I start to lose my shit. The psychiatric benefits of this project cannot be understated.
So, if you are of a mind, and in the proper situation, please join me in this endeavor. Emails, a buck, whatever. Just join me. I’ll even take moral support (remember to include a mailing addy and contact name) in your emails.