- Sat, 19:46: He draws the perverts to him like giant horny maladjusted moths to the flames of hell. https://t.co/eWDC8UdG11
- Sat, 21:02: *smiles and offers up a home made pie* Thank you. https://t.co/FVUJu6TfPW
- Sat, 21:27: Why all the #red #fireworks in the #CapitolFourth? The whole thing looked like #radioactive #blood raining down on the #NationalMall. Icky.
- Sat, 21:59: If we are finally going to have to come to terms with #GMO's in the inevitable futurescape, I DEMAND #blue #food, in at least three hues.
- Sun, 09:25: Good Sunday, @MikeHuckabeeGOP, has our #Lord shown you the right thing to do and shown you the path to #apologize to #scizophrenics yet?
- Sun, 10:25: #StopRush-ers, I come to beg a favor. In a cause very close to my heart. I am trying to make a tweet go viral, and I know you can do it(1/2)
- Sun, 10:28: #StopRush-ers If you would please go to my profile and RT my last tweet to Huckabee and try to spread it far and wide,tres appreciation(2/2)
- Sun, 11:55: If I were to write an #OpenLetter to a GOP Presidential Candidate, what would be the online #publication most likely to #publish it?
My tweets
My tweets
Mon, 15:03: Can you #name the #movie the #pets are #ignoring in this #video? #You #might #need #headphones.… https://t.co/QTTSBpSqT8…
My tweets
Sat, 06:34: #Birth and #Death: not #art, just " #shit in a #container." @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/7WIi34DZyN Sat,…
My tweets
Mon, 17:29: #Rose- #dog takes a #break from #napping. @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/Awi2xVLtgG Mon, 17:30: I #planted…
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