Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

Trying out the "Art of Asking"

I have a big, ginormous favor to ask of one of you lucky bastiges.

If you have an Apple iDevice that has room for one more teensie-weensie app, would you, pretty please with pineapple and sprinkles and real whipped cream on top, go to the AppStore and download the "Clammr" app and give it a go. Then, just one more bit: take a screen shot and post it here, and if you get curious and do give it a go, please tell me a little about it. Like, did you hear anything by me? Is it easy to use? Is it a complete waste of my time as an artist? Was Doc right and it is horrendous with the 18 second sound bytes?

I would really, really appreciate this. Like the lizards appreciate when I bring the cats in during the hunting hours. And if you know anything about lizards, you know their gratitude knows no bounds.

Thank you in advance. I just can't wait for the Android app to see this thing. I've started contributing work, which is no easy task (I have to pick 18 second chunks out of each poem I want to promote and remaster the whole piece), and I would love, love, love an outside opinion.

As a pre-thank you, I leave you with two candid images I found today:

Why I don't wear make-up. I do this compulsively throughout the day.

I couldn't even begin to say what the ever loving fuck this is about.

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