- Mon, 12:48: http://t.co/phz3Y73Drz explains how you can participate in a #mentalhealth #art installation, no $$ needed. #spokenword #poetry #AllForArt
- Mon, 16:26: Sorry 'bout all the folks still experiencing winter, but it is so gorgeous here today. Mid 70s, light breeze.Come to #LasVegas and be warm.
- Mon, 17:55: GOP Votes Against Requiring U.S.-Made Steel In Keystone Pipeline http://t.co/yYM4ZX1CFh - Nothing but evil.
- Mon, 19:15: There is a cat on my timeline speaking French to me.I can't find any of my cats to translate. And I'm pretty sure they mostly speak Spanish.
- Mon, 19:16: RT @sophiaphotos: RIP #ChristinaGrantInfiniti second trans woman murdered in the US this weekend http://t.co/v0rHFCvux9
- Mon, 19:17: RT @TheBiCast: RIP Goddess Sister Christina Grant Infiniti #ChristinaGrantInfiniti #TransLivesMatter #FixSociety @TransGriot http://t.co/BN…
- Mon, 19:19: RT @sophiaphotos: Trans women are being slaughtered in the US in 2015. That's eight confirmed murders in the US in 5 weeks
- Mon, 21:00: Okay, a 13 year old girl just followed me. We're just going to step over that and pretend it never happened. My Doc Martens are that old.
- Mon, 21:05: We finally figured out what happened to Major, our "Special" #cat. Sun/heat #stroke, resulting in a bit of #kitty #dementia. Explains a LOT.
- Mon, 21:10: I think the only good thing my mother ever did for me was forcing me to watch "Roger and Me" when young; turning me agaisnt all she believed
- Mon, 21:15: The more I learn about the Bush legacy, the sicker I become. I guess #Christianity really does #twist people into #nightmare shapes.
- Mon, 21:18: #SNL40 last night just made me feel old and sad and WTF happened to Sir McCartney's voice? #Waiting30YearsForItToGetFunnyAgain
- Mon, 21:39: No, I'm not over. I am just coming into my own.
- Mon, 21:54: RT @MintPressNews: #Israel Is Currently Detaining At Least 151 Children http://t.co/IQk70jCNIp #ChildAbuse #HumanRights #JSIL http://t.co/…
- Mon, 21:59: RT @VeryWhiteGuy: RT @MissJupiter1957 @erabrand: #PoliceFairyTale ADA is optional! I don't have to learn how to interact with disabled peo…