Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

My tweets

  • Thu, 11:36: Anonymous Vs ISIS Heats Up, ‘Expose And Destroy’ Document Released - Finally, someone is DOING something.
  • Thu, 11:38: RT @thereallivefree: #stoprush BC we don't need another egotistical fat ignorant white mans hate speech on the airwaves anymore.
  • Thu, 11:40: Holy shit, I have 800 followers. How did that happen? I know there are a lot of bots on that list.
  • Thu, 11:42: What should I ask for, for #ValentinesDay?We celebrate on the 15th, so everything is half off, and I can get all manner of goodies. #flowers
Tags: twitter

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