- Sun, 13:50: I came. I peed on something you love. I slept. - Memoir of a Cat
- Sun, 14:08: No wonder the outside cats are still in their summer attire. It's the trees!They will not turn, leaves will not fall. http://t.co/F6VrSoO3H6
- Sun, 14:22: Me: I have the hiccups, scare me, honey. Hubs: ... I want to have a baby. Me: Right, okay, then, they're gone.
- Sun, 17:48: Boomer is a feline computer prodigy. She sat on the old laptop and got Photoshop to open. More than I can do with that thing.
- Sun, 17:52: RT @IAM_SHAKESPEARE: How now! Why look'st thou pale? Why tremblest thou?
- Sun, 18:07: RT @BuzzFeedRewind: 10 Life Lessons Atticus Finch From "To Kill A Mockingbird" Taught Us http://t.co/0s7blPBH1w
- Sun, 18:47: RT @Contwixt: Hope is an extreme sport.
- Sun, 18:48: RT @SchizoIncognito: PLEASE RETWEET! Archive: Cutting out psychosis the hard way http://t.co/ztGhBNNjd0 #anxiety2 #cutting #depression
- Sun, 21:10: I feel like my illness is my skeleton & w/o it I would just be a pile of flesh, hair and goo. #stigma #mentalillness #mentalhealth
- Sun, 21:11: RT @IAM_SHAKESPEARE: Hide not thy poison with such sug'red words;
- Sun, 22:52: RT @IAM_SHAKESPEARE: For in the shade of death I shall find joy-
- Mon, 00:53: Boomer is getting comfortable on my couch with me. Oh, how I love this cat! No more than the others, of course. http://t.co/RYjOg4uHGS