I actually used one of Doc's man combs to comb out my hair tonight and wash it. They are coming to open the door tomorrow, but I couldn't take it anymore. I had straightened it, so it wasn't that bad. But now it's all curly again. Argh. No problem, Cyd. I'll be able to get into my bathroom and get to my straightener tomorrow.
I've had to divide up my Xanax so that I am on a constant low dose of it. Been having too many panic attacks triggered by nothing at all that I am aware of.
So I discovered (finally) reddit. Specifically r/exmormon. I have a million questions for these people. From the trivial to the most significant questions of faith's lasting damage on the psyche. It's fascinating to read all of these disparate opinions from people who were all raised the same way. We were all raised in the same cult. And we've all turned out to be such different people.
I'm reading a paper that debunks several of the myths of Joseph Smith and his first followers and "scriptures". So, um, I'm going to go do that for a while.