Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

My tweets

  • Sat, 20:58: RT @drumbeats4peace: Israel shutting out Muslims from prayer at the holy site of Al Aqsa is the single most provocative act to World War 3 …
  • Sat, 20:59: RT @DepressedDarth: There are 405 days left until The Force Awakens comes out.
  • Sat, 21:46: Pro Tip: Don't listen to Danzig's "Can't Speak" when you're in a bad head space already.Certainly don't follow it with anything by The Fray.
  • Sat, 22:04: Tonight my online journal actually deals with my #mentalillness, so here's a link: Like to hear from misdiagnosed.
  • Sat, 22:10: RT @jeffreyvanclea1: I think me and karma are pretty much even already
  • Sat, 22:49: Time to lose some followers . . . When you cough so hard, your tampon starts to come out. That.
  • Sun, 09:06: I now know I've followed too many people,I just saw an alpaca pic.I'd been reading about them, but thought I was isolated enough to be safe.
  • Sun, 09:09: If you're one of the 50 that has followed me in the last two weeks, Wow. And Vilkommen (I've no idea if that's spelled right, I'm a Swede).
  • Sun, 09:22: Whatever happens, if at all possible, please be good to the police K-9s. They didn't choose this life, it's not their fault. #Ferguson
  • Sun, 09:23: RT @DaveDomina: There is an assault on the internet coming. Dig in. Keep the #netneutral+. It's up to us.
Tags: twitter

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