- Sun, 12:12: Civilization has reached a whole new low: Infomercials that rhyme. It's almost over, kids.
- Sun, 18:34: RT @larry_kurtz: #sdsen #mtsen #iasen #cosen @GGevirtz @Wanderer19 https://t.co/qiXKQPU0iz
- Sun, 18:40: The Nevada elections this year aren't big and contested and polled and fought about on tv. But I'm voting blue anyway, to keep in the habit.
- Sun, 21:47: I am only watching this stupid #Fox sitcom because Penny Marshall is guesting on it.I swear, actually I resent the non-animated programming.
- Sun, 22:00: There was a commotion back by the CD rack (shut up, we're Gen Xers), so I think there was a lizard sighting today. Glad the fellow's around.
- Sun, 22:08: RT @GoodTwitty: Ayn Rand: The age of selfishness, greed, financial crime & cynicism http://t.co/Sx8UN8PNzv http://t.co/P5GYjBAcAm
- Sun, 22:34: RT @IAM_SHAKESPEARE: The other yet may rise against their force.
- Mon, 07:01: Here's where I give you all reason to hate me, my annual Xmas Playlist of Awesomeness. http://t.co/uq3MXoTYV6. Get in the mood w/ classics.
- Mon, 07:31: Nevada, get rid of @BrianSandoval. http://t.co/g9MwhEUWL0 Vote Dem tomorrow. We need someone who will stand up to Cliven Bundy. #VoteBlue
- Mon, 07:40: Newbie Tweety Question (how awkward of me): How do you know if someone has #Blocked you?
- Mon, 08:48: RT @dodo: Customs dog makes massive rhino horn bust in South Africa http://t.co/2OeO1TrabQ
- Mon, 09:00: RT @ThomasB00001: #VOTEBLUE #UniteBlue #TNTweeters #WomenVote #wiunion #gunsense #SaveTheSenate #VotingMatters #Science #ClimateChange http…
- Mon, 09:02: RT @cutequeer96: rape culture and patriarchal values are KILLING GIRLS. feminism is UPSETTING WHITE BOYS ON THE INTERNET.
- Mon, 09:33: RT @Redone68: Atheists, @MamaAtheist has had her acct cancelled by @twitter for erroneous reasons. Please retweet in asking them to reinsta…
- Mon, 10:02: RT @MentalHealthAm: Great op-ed about @MentalHealthCCS: For Mental Health, Social Media Removes the Silence http://t.co/SGkngh9g30 #TextTal…
- Mon, 10:27: RT @Salon: Lena Dunham's sister responds to "sexual abuse" allegations following right-wing outrage http://t.co/ftrK5vn7oa