- Sat, 16:49: Just started following @Todd__Kincannon and he is a hoot! Everything that's wrong with America, but a real laugh riot. Totally worth it.
- Sat, 17:04: RT @88blackhats: Don't worry we're from the Internet.
- Sat, 17:12: RT @MomsDemand: We refuse to allow our schools to become war zones. STAND UP and TAKE ACTION http://t.co/s9DdSC91WD #MomsDemand http://t.co…
- Sat, 18:28: Me: Can I get a Sonic Screwdriver? Him: Can you name one thing you can do with it besides drive me crazy? Me: How about a Dalek? #DoctorWho
- Sat, 18:34: Shoutout to Little Red Riding Hood. #DoctorWho
- Sun, 07:52: "I've also prepared a safety briefing for you to entirely ignore" -- Iron Man 3
- Sun, 10:32: RT @HausOfFirefly: People need to understand mental health more before they speak.. It's a serious & life destroying issue. http://t.co/glb…
My tweets
dry hot and dusty as hell
My last surviving grand parent died a couple of weeks ago. Two days to the hour o my Nana's death, my favorite cat, Boo, died in my arms. The grief…
Hey there, hi there, ho there
I'm back, bitches and bastards, TC paid for a forever pass, I should use it. The cops came over and did a welfare check about a month ago. My…
Got Caught Stealing
Having had yet another clever thing stolen by a bunch of what I have to assume are white middle aged hate macines; The line in my twitter profile…
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