- Mon, 18:33: RT @WilliamsJon: US begun airstrikes on #ISIS targets in #Syria: Tomahawks and manned aircraft used in operation
- Mon, 18:38: RT @ElementsMatter: Physicists have quantum teleported a particle of light across 25 kilometres http://t.co/xOkqoXwyFz
- Mon, 18:40: RT @thedailybeast: An "Emma Watson countdown clock" is targeting the actress following her moving speech at the UN http://t.co/hMAbdNjAJ3 #…
- Mon, 21:37: RT @BuzzFeedNews: Syrian foreign ministry says U.S. informed Syrian representative to the @UN yesterday about the impending attacks, @Saeed…
- Tue, 08:14: RT @miss_sudo: Things Bisexual People Are Tired of Hearing http://t.co/FhoUfeRyFZ END #biphobia!
- Tue, 08:56: #Homeland sounds like #Fatherland, I don't like it. The media is on some drug, it's got them all paranoid. And #PBO won't tell them evrytng.
- Tue, 09:13: So, you got your boots. They're in the air, shooting at things that can shoot them down. Time to start supporting our #Troops. #tcot #GOP
My tweets
My tweets
Mon, 15:03: Can you #name the #movie the #pets are #ignoring in this #video? #You #might #need #headphones.… https://t.co/QTTSBpSqT8…
My tweets
Sat, 06:34: #Birth and #Death: not #art, just " #shit in a #container." @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/7WIi34DZyN Sat,…
My tweets
Mon, 17:29: #Rose- #dog takes a #break from #napping. @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/Awi2xVLtgG Mon, 17:30: I #planted…
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