Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

Well, what's been up?

Not too much going on here. The scooter is broken and B won't work on it. I don't even wan to go into it. Doc has to rely on the illegal truck to get to work and the grocery store. Not good. I'm so mad about it, I don't even think about it.

Simon is doing really well. No more swelling, no more pus or blood. and he's going out to play regularly and hanging out in the house outside of my bedroom. He can still only eat canned food. So he's not completely better.

I invented a dish yesterday. Loaded baked potato fritata. I meant to make potato pancakes, but I put too much cheese in and I only had one potato to shred into it. So i loaded it into a buttered pie plate and baked it for 20 minutes. It was awesome.

I haven't been doing much of anything useful. I've worked a very little on my smash book. it's been a weird week. i'll feel better once we get the scooter sorted.

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