- Thu, 21:12: RT @voxdotcom: America: where you need to be 21 to drink a beer but only 9 to handle an Uzi http://t.co/NT4NT9hhM4
- Thu, 21:14: RT @IAM_SHAKESPEARE: Lady. Out, you mad-headed ape!
- Thu, 22:46: RT @ClassySceptic: The flood story was first told in Mesopotamia ca. 1000 yrs before it was stolen by Christianity & retold as #NoahsFlood.…
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Mon, 15:03: Can you #name the #movie the #pets are #ignoring in this #video? #You #might #need #headphones.… https://t.co/QTTSBpSqT8…
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Sat, 06:34: #Birth and #Death: not #art, just " #shit in a #container." @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/7WIi34DZyN Sat,…
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Mon, 17:29: #Rose- #dog takes a #break from #napping. @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/Awi2xVLtgG Mon, 17:30: I #planted…
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