Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

Chewy the Companion Dog

i wonder if Doc will take Chewy and I on the bus down to the strip tonight for a photo run. if Chewy gets his certification, I don't have to cage him to take him on the bus. Now I have to put him in a soft carrier on the bus and then put the carrier in my ruck sack and him on his leash when i'm off the bus. And actually, if he had his certification and wasn't in the carrier on the bus, I wouldn't need doc on the bus with me at all. there's another "life event" that Chewy's certification would help with. That's the qualification requisite. "Life Events". Number one for me is that Chewy gets me out of the house. Now number two is that Chewy would get me on the bus.

The big thing is that I have to get a prescription for Chewy from my doctor. But when I tell my doctor about the "life events" that Chewy is helping me with, I have no doubt that he will do it. He was willing to fill out all the paper work for my medical marijuana card. a companion dog is nothing compared with that.

I have to go for a walk with Doc and Chewy so that I can learn the commands that Doc is teaching him. I don't want to fuck up his training just because I am not aware of it.

Me and my punk rock companion dog are going out on the town once he gets certified. they will know us in the arts district. they will know us down town. the girl who never opens her mouth and her little brown dog with the Black Flag vest. Eventually he will take me to the poetry readings. I'll put his collar cam on him and we'll have a grand old time. this opens up a whole new world to me. it will take him time to get used to crowds, and i will do it gradually until he is comfortable. he is much better with people than he is with other dogs, so it shouldn't take too long. he is very aware of his small size and getting stepped on.

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