Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

I guess if god had meant sin city to be here, he would fill the lake.

Doc finally saw Grumpy Cat on TV today and now understands my obsession with Billy's scowl. But Billy is scowling less and less. This morning he almost looked happy when he peeked around the corner of the patio and meowed his "good morning". Their new bowl should be here today. I'm anxiously awaiting mail. We managed to get Billy fed last night before the ants descended upon the bowl, but i haven't fed him today.

We found out there is another woman up the road who feeds the strays. I wonder if she ever saw Jack. Maybe he lives over there right now and he's happy. I like to hope Jack is happy.

I woke up this morning and had four animals on me. Evie, Simon, Felix and Chewy. This is why i don't sleep in my bed, they swarm me. but on the couch it's intolerable. i'm going back to my bed, i think. i'll talk to doc about calling the cable company this week. i need a cable box in my room. or at least basic cable. then all the animals can sleep with me and we can all be comfortable.

It's 103 out and Bagira won't come in. He's sleeping in a wet spot in the shade and getting up to drink water every half an hour or so. I checked him, he's not panting or overheated. So I guess he can stay out. He likes roughing it, i suppose.

When Doc gets up, he's getting me dinner. What do I want to eat? I have to keep it soft because of my tooth. I know, Arby's. The best in molded meat junk food. Their buns are really soft and their meat practically pre-chewed. doesn't sound appetizing when i put it like that, but the Beef n' Cheddars taste really good. Their French Dip is the best fast food you can get outside of In and Out Burger. But doc already used the French Dip coupon. I know he has a Beef n' Cheddar coupon.

Do you know what time it is? Time to brew fresh coffee! I haven't had any today, so, I'm pretty ready for it.

Oh, good coffee.

The cat dish got here. Stainless steel (it's okay, it's for the food, not the water) and raised by a rubber ring off the ground. i filled it and put it out, we'll see if it works. Then leave an review. I've been leaving them lately and getting messages that they helped make someone's buying decision. that makes me feel good.

Oh, and fresh ice water, that tastes like Brita and not the lake. Kelli was explaining to me how the water that comes out of the tap here is getting warmer because the lake is getting so low. It's almost to emergency stage. It's never been this low since the dam was built to make the lake. I can't take a cold shower anymore. well, except in the early morning. and then it does no good. i don't need it then. silly lake. you'd think Republican wishes could just fill it up. I guess if god had meant sin city to be here, he would fill the lake.

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