i discovered a while ago that in video mode, i can zoom in 16x with my camera. which is 12 more times than i can in still picture mode. so i took some video of Billy today and hope to get a good still from it that shows off his scowl. that gives me something quick to do on the computer. i'm slowly trying to get back to the laptop. eventually so i can work. right now just to surf or look at pictures. i can't even play with pictures in photoshop. i am that turned off by the computer lately. i've lost so many followers on twitter, because i don't tweet. i'll get more, don't really care. but i've noticed it.
wow, a "home remedy" that really works. the ants are circling the bowl, but not getting close to it because of the cucumber. pretty cool.
it just started raining. not hard. just big, big drops.
doc went too bed at 1pm, right after i woke up from my nap. that sucks. but he'll be better off for it tonight.
i think i'm going to read for a while. again, vacuuming needs to be done, but not while doc sleeps. it's the back room that needs it, right across from his. i dusted the other day, so that would be useless. yes, reading is the thing to do.