Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

maybe they just don't bring the kills onto the patio anymore because they are tired of losing their

it's so nice outside. a light breeze that's warm, and 82 degrees. the fireworks have stopped by order of the county. midnight is the limit. and they patrol to make sure. those that aren't on drunk patrol.

The Fifth Element is on TV, which is good because my romanian subtitled copy doesn't work in the DVD player. it trips up in the middle.

doc is bringing the party home. hmm. interesting. okay. if i can't deal i will go into my room and sleep. if i can, it will be fun.

time to change over from coffee to cola. cool drinks from here on out, i have to wear my pants.

"Bossanova", Elvis.

the cats haven't brought home but a few injured animals marked for death. two lizards and a bird. we took them all away from them, with great praise for their hunting prowess, but it was too late to save them all. our cats are vicious on first attack. they give their prey no chance at all. killing machines. maybe they just don't bring the kills onto the patio anymore because they are tired of losing their meals.

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