RIP to the cilantro. the 5 stalks have given up the ghost.
when doc planted his peppers and tomatoes, he chose a nice spot between two cypress trees, with a grassy patch in front. it was charming until we realized that the grassy area is the "killing field". it's where the cats take their prey to devour it. presumably where doc and i can't take it away from them. so there's bird and lizard parts i keep finding when i go out to water. ick.
ooh, Castle is on. my new favorite show since USA took NCIS away from me. they are the "Law and Order Channel" now. i hate them. So TNT stepped in with Castle at 4 until usually 11. much later than i stay up.
doc has been letting me cook for him recently. last night he actually asked me to cook him eggs, and he is very picky about his eggs, but i did them right with a little instruction and a bit of help from him.
hmmm, it's windy. looks like it's going to be a truck night.
okay, time to cuddle animals and watch TV for a while before i have to get doc up. in, three and a half hours. maybe i should try to sleep. i wonder. we'll see if the coffee calls more than sleep.