Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

stupid stuff and picture time

the cats are all in, early. Chewy is out running around, post bath. Doc is asleep on the couch. i'm wide awake. i did my chores. my day is open. for sleep, most likely. once Chewy comes home and i get him inside, i may just want to curl up with the damp beast. he smells good. like citrus. the cats hate it, they hate all citrus, but it makes him smell so much better, it's worth the cat hate for a while.

Now Chewy has returned. totally dry. air dry. and panting, so he wore himself out. and it's only 80 out. not too hot for him.

my oregano is going to take some baby sitting. i'm going to have to water it in the middle of the day as well. i really want the seeds to sprout.

the cats haven't gotten the hint with the cat grass yet, i'm going to have to show one of them. then they'll tell each other.

cilantro, it's dying


wax bean


daisies, the marigolds died

basil and lantana

assorted plants

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