the dog has disappeared. i'm hoping he's in doc's room. he didn't get out, so far as i know. i fed Brian Setzer, so the door was open for a minute, but Chewy hates Brian Setzer and would have stopped to bark at him if he'd gotten out. i think. We're having a hard time getting the benadryl into him, but that's mainly doc being stubborn more than it is Chewy's fault. if it was doc's hands itching, he wouldn't be so hard headed.
i'm in that annoying crying mood again. Simon just curled up next to me for the first time in three days and I started crying. The news show was surprising people with paying for their groceries, and I cried.
at least doc and i have already had our fight about weed, so we don't need to do that again before he leaves. he gave me two days worth and i smoked it all in one day. so i got the, "What's up? What's going on? What's wrong?" that there is no satisfactory answer for. i hate that. i hate being cornered like that. i wasn't going to ask him for more, what does he care that i have to go a day without it? why taunt me about it? he doesn't really care what's upp with me. he just cares about the money. and that i'm a cunt without it, according to him. i guess that'ss why my family doesn't love me, i wasn't stoned growing up.