- Tue, 14:20: RT @dthomicide: @NowWithAlex ppl we must vote in every election from now on, even s**t pickeruper. This Supreme Court is out of control. wa…
- Tue, 15:16: Do you have any idea how many chocolate rabbits my sale-addicted husband got me at the store today? I have friends now. #ChocolateRabbits
- Tue, 15:52: RT @SouthernLady328: "@fullofbalogna: Bundy-a deadbt parasite who used govt resources raise cattle but doesn't wanna pay 4 them. #MOOCHER h…
- Tue, 16:38: RT @shannonrwatts: .@secupp, the #NRA is the worst, and by that I mean the worst, face for responsible gun policy and public safety. #MomsD…
- Tue, 16:38: RT @mgladhar: .@secupp Moms high-5ed when we heard @MikeBloomberg & #Everytown are fighting gun violence that kills 8 US kids&teens every d…
- Tue, 22:21: RT @CircusCatimus: Our #CollarCam photography book is ready and available to buy now! http://t.co/2Z7pdSy2t5 #cats #photography #rescue #pe…
- Tue, 22:25: RT @CanProveIt: #LatinoVote From Sick And Tired Of GOP Bullshit! on fb. #UniteBlue #StopRush http://t.co/2lvakZEHF6
- Tue, 22:34: I checked off 139 out of 170 on this list! How Many Iconic '80s Films Have You Seen? http://t.co/2UczHs94np -Too many, too too many.
- Tue, 22:36: RT @princesschatty: Silence is the best answer to stupid.
- Tue, 22:48: RT @JamesDarlingxxx: Pet peeve: when people who should know better misgender someone they don't like. Even jerks deserve the right pronouns
- Tue, 23:24: RT @scATX: TROLLS? stfu RT @Adweek: Twitter trolls hijack NYPD's feel-good hashtag attempt, #myNYPD: http://t.co/0uECxtaX5O http://t.co/25B…
- Tue, 23:26: RT @Crewof42: Rt Backlash against #myNYPD spills over into user-generated #myLAPD hashtag http://t.co/jisxKdDJdo http://t.co/L90BUGnbNu @Ad…
- Tue, 23:27: RT @CallOut4: You might be a Bundy moocher/dick/criminal if: http://t.co/cK2tPE8xDz h/t @CanProveIt
- Tue, 23:27: RT @KennettDems: Imagine that! In Nevada, Bundy's 'ancestral rights' claim a lie. http://t.co/0mgElQpdDg
- Wed, 06:18: @BrianSandoval I'm glad you're only interested in protecting law breakers like #ClivenBundy. Won't be voting for you.
- Wed, 06:31: RT: @Pets_Agent Marijuana Toxicity in Pets: Way More Scary Than Funny http://t.co/bl0IwVtVIS #pets #cats #dogs #pot #weed #marijuana
- Wed, 06:34: RT @MikeOatway1: Everybody should read all the Repug/Teabagger comments and realize what is happening to our country. One way out of it-VO…
- Wed, 06:34: RT @saltysweetki: I see your broken moral compass and raise you a lifetime of regrets. *tosses panties onto table
- Wed, 07:02: RT @LilyPutin01: Why are you allowing @ScottsLawnCare ads on Limbaugh @MiracleGro? #stoprush
- Wed, 07:31: RT @untappedcities: A #cat caf� is coming to the Bowery in #NYC tomorrow: http://t.co/YSCag9hld1 #DailyWhat?! from @PurinaONECat
- Wed, 07:37: With a wink and nod, activist plans #BundyFest! to protest rancher #ClivenBundy http://t.co/0jQ2rZa6OX - I've got a crash pad! #BundyRanch
- Wed, 07:40: RT @joshtpm: Remembering when Hannity refused to surrender his 9pm ranch to Megyn Kelly cuz of ancestral rights/freedom. http://t.co/RRvbf…
- Wed, 09:59: RT @seekerwisdom8: #GOP beliefs -- > If you're a Republican Libertarian, it's OK to mooch. #BundyRanch