Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

something something dark side

That treacherous dog left me again. I guess he went in to sleep with Doc.

i'm feeling more positive about Circus Catimus today. Pet videos and pictures and sites and social media accounts are all the rage. if i get in on this wave, okay, good. if i don't. the animals and i are making quality content and having fun doing it. i've even taking to calling it a "life art project". who cares if my art doesn't sell? i'll have a copy of the photo book in my hands in a few days and i can enjoy it, maybe more and in a way no one else could.

do i add new content to my site, or wait until i'm done with the redesign to do it? i have a lot of photoshopped images and a decent sized collection of HDR images i wouldn't mind putting up in a gallery. but should i bother? i should put on some Burn Notice and just work on something.

here's another HDR, it's a composite of many areas of sky, so the contrails, clouds and moon were all separate elements. i wanted to see what the automation would do with the different perspectives. the color is a little out there, but i don't like realistic photos, anyway.

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