- Tue, 12:25: RT @IAM_SHAKESPEARE: Choose your own company, and command what cost
- Tue, 12:29: RT @dylanlscott: "This is a full spectrum, frontal assault on the rural West… This is truly a range war." http://t.co/LuE1uqFR9P
- Tue, 12:35: RT @EWDolan: Alabama woman guns down son ’s gay lover at truck stop http://t.co/pSTzTmoKDv
- Tue, 12:35: RT @Politics_PR: Former sheriff: Women ‘need to be the first ones shot’ by feds in #BundyRanch standoff http://t.co/JJ50vX8UWL #p2 http://…
- Tue, 12:45: RT @mmfa: Fox News correspondent: "They used to string folks up" for what the Feds did to the lawless rancher. http://t.co/5GQQjTldJh
- Tue, 13:12: RT @Brasilmagic: 18 Reasons Why The Concept Of “Female Privilege” Is Insane | Thought Catalog http://t.co/myeTSCQV2y
- Tue, 13:18: RT @JohnsHopkinsSPH: #JHSPH researchers find an association between autism risk and a mother's prenatal use of antidepressants. http://t.co…
- Wed, 01:35: RT @HomeComingKhing: Scott Milburn (Principle): smilburn@southfayette.org Aaron Skrbin (Asst. Principle): askrbin@southfayette.org Have f…
- Wed, 01:35: RT @EyeEdinburgh: #SouthFayette High School principals Scott #Milburn & Aaron #Skrbin think stopping #bullies should be a felony: http://t.…
- Wed, 01:50: RT @rayne_2: You know the world is fucked up when transphobic lesbians agree with homophobic rightwingers in order to discriminate against …
- Wed, 05:28: RT @politico: Tea party to rancher Cliven Bundy: Happy trails http://t.co/CLjc2Ywgko