i didn't poem today. well, i wrote a haiku when i got up and posted it. but i didn't do anything else. i still have time to get the most comments of the day. i'm doing this beacause i want to be a greeter, and i have to be a member for six months, so i can wait, but it is recommended that you have at least 1000 comments given. so i'm trying to get there.
later . . .
i am thouroughly discouraged. five contests have been judged and one is being voted on . . . and i've won nothing. not even an honorable mention. i'm not used to failing this way. the one that is being voted on, i didn't get one vote, out of ten. nothing. and that one wasn't even one of the newer, quickie poems, it was an older one that i thought was pretty good. i have no heart to enter any more. and i'm losing the desire to comment. i'll leave the site for a while and see if i can't do better when i return.