Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

for some reason the clumps of food just piss him off

have you ever been to cat memes. and cat pictures. and cat videos. it's amazing. i'm not sure what page it is, just look for cats.

i got a good amount of sleep today. i got up and got cranky with doc, though. i feel bad about that and i can't do anything about it until he wakes up in a few hours.

we're going to the Super Supermarket on saturday. it's the place with the big bulk food section. doc keeps asking me what i want from there, do i have a list. and no, i don't know what they have, i have no list. i just want to go look.

and i think Friday, if we can, if it's still free, we are going to the Stratosphere. so look for pictures this weekend. i hope we make it out there. i've never been that high up in Vegas before. i want to see it all. i'm kind of hoping we go at night, because the strip looks dire during the day.

B keeps calling and saying he's coming to get the bikes out of the yard. and he doesn't come get the bikes out of the yard. he asked when he could come over and fix doc's bike (!). that was weeks ago, what does he think doc has been getting around on? oh, yeah, we have the truck and B just doesn't get that we don't drive it because it isn't registered. doc told him that BJ got him an impact driver for xmas and he fixed the bike himself. so then B started tearing at his confidence about fixing the bike himself. what a jerk! you would think with all the brainwashing he's been doing on his wife about positive thinking and toxic people and the fact that he stopped drinking all the time that he would calm the hell down and be less of an asshole. but he just gets worse and worse. I don't know how J lives with him, i really don't.

Felix is curled up with Major, meowing at me to feed them gushy food. every so often, Major chimes in. but they're both just laying there all half asleep. and Chewy is curled up in front of my legs between me and the laptop on the couch. i tried to put him over with the cats, but he gave me the puppy eyes, so i had to let him sleep in front of me. yes, these animals own me.

i have another burger in the fridge that i can't even think of eating. i was so full today. i can't really think of eating anything right now, actually. i'm having a cup of coffee. i just woke up. and i cleaned out the coffee maker and couldn't resist the call of a fresh, hot cup. i'm only having the one, though. i'm not suffering any withdrawal since i do have a cup or a half a cup every few hours. just not continually like i did. mostly i just have my water bottle with me.

okay, Felix's chirping is getting to me, it's time to feed them their gushy food. it's not like they're hungry. they aren't. they have a never ending supply of dry food. they just love their giblets dinner with gravy. i mix some hot water in with it to make it soupy so Simon doesn't growl at it while he eats it. for some reason the clumps of food just piss him off.

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