Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

play acting is never easy

we went and took our gifts around. and got one very nasty one back. when we pulled up to N's house, there was a crowd. The whole Family was over, including The Boys, who were in town for the holiday. and no one had invited doc. in fact, they had gone out of their way not to invite doc. he had no idea anything was going on over there. they tried to make it up by saying "go ahead, go inside," but wow. what a bunch of pricks. i felt so bad. those were doc's friends. why would they do him so wrong? fuckers.

then we went over to B's. which was a pleasant visit. he was in a positive mood for the first time since i met him. R loved his dinosaurs and his movie. and J loved the picture of Bagira. and everybody liked the cookies. and i got hugged more than i want to think about. we took Chewy over so we couldn't stay long. we had to get back for the Doctor Who xmas special (awesome) but didn't want to say that. so we took the dog.

we never made leftovers for dinner. instead, a healthy alternative. i got a soda at the corner store while we were out, and when i got home, put a plate of cookies out on the table. we grazed and watched Doctor Who. Well, i watched half of it, then i fell asleep. i was really tired. i'm sure doc was, too. we did nap together today, but not long. and we've both been up since 2:30 am.

i have my space heater on. i don't know if it's cold in here, or just in me. i was fine curled up in the quilt a few minutes ago, but now that i'm out of it, i'm Freezing.

gotta remind doc to get cat food and C batteries on the way home tomorrow. batteries for my Bedbugs game, and cat food so i don't get my ankles chewed up.

i guess we're going to have quiche for new year's eve dinner. doc is off new year's, same situation as today. can enjoy the eve, but the day of he has to go to sleep to work. but he still technically has the day off on new year's. it's complicated. but fair. and paid. we just have to pay attention to it to work around it.

i still can't believe that about the Family. i can understand them not accepting me, but to do doc like that. fucking pathetic. so i guess the Boys just looked him up at thansgiving to get the plates to the truck back. god, what losers. a more loyal friend you will never have than doc. he pissed away holidays for them. he did stuff i can't even talk about. but he's done right by them. he doesn't deserve this. he deserves way better. i wish i could get him friend's he deserves for xmas.

i got him a wife who almost deserves him. i've been so much better the past couple of months. he's even looking forward to celebrating our anniversary. i haven't made any plans for that night. i'm hoping he takes it off, he will have paid discretionary time then and it won't hurt us financially.

time to wake him up for work. have a nice night.

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