Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

on to something else, okay why 3

new pictures can be found at, in the November 2013 album. they are at the bottom. there are pictures of the tree in there, too. i'm putting up the lights outside when doc gets home and tells me where the lights are. then, i hope, we are going to go out and work out in the garage. i think we could get the tables and shelves set up and i could do the rest myself.

seriously, Artpop . . . try it. i'm not saying you'll weep like a little girl, i don't know what that is. it happens when i find new artists. i still weep at bowie. and U2. okay, and Big Country. never to a woman before. i think i'm falling in love. i have been consuming every piece of information about Gaga that i could find. it's at least a HUGE crush. too bad she's so much younger than me, i'd give it a shot. you know, write her lovely letters and try to get her to love me through my words. heh. i'm too old for such things. i can think about it while i go through boxes.

watch, by the end of the day i will have doc begging to hear xmas carols.

if you just can't do Artpop, try an xmas carol: she flips it and does the traditional "male" part of the song. it's cute.

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