Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

happy happy thursday!!

and happy thanksgiving to all those who celebrate it!

we've been up since around 5 this morning. we watched tv, drank coffee, talked. then made breakfast, which we ate on cam. then we rested for a bit, then played star wars monopoly, again, on cam. then i prepped dinner, on cam. it's been a good day. breakfast went off without a hitch except my mimosa made me feel icky for a few minutes and i didn't finish it.

the quiche will not be pretty, but i'm not serving it at a bloody restaurant and i should just get off my own back about it. i'm having pie maker's remorse. i had an incident with the wrong pan and a droopy pie crust. some of the filling has run out of the crust and out of the springform pan, which is only for professionals, which i clearly am no longer. it will be a mess to clean up, but i don't care, it's gonna taste good. this recipe used a different spice combo than i usually use, so i bravely tried that out. promises to be good. and used entirely heavy cream, instead of 1/2 cream, 1/2 half and half. the recipe review said it was inredibly silky and not at all eggy, so i had to try it. though my quiche isn't usually eggy. i just haven't made it for a long time and i don't have a proper quiche pan (have an extra? i'll pay postage to get it to me!). the pie plate was just too shallow. and the springform pan was disaster no matter how well the pre-baking of the crust had gone.

so in ten minutes i put the beans in, then in 30 i take the quiche out and we clean up the game and crack a beer and the shrimp. once we've gorged on shrimp, the quiche should be cool enough to extract from the pan with little to no catastrophy.

after that, i'm taking a nap. likely on cam, yay! you can see for yourself what the animals do to me when i sleep.

then when i wake up, doc will be gone over to the party and i will put up the decorations. i have all the ones that are here gathered in the living room with the tree in its box.

doc is getting the scooter fixed tomorrow. B found that he had a belt that doc needs. so doc won't have to take the bus to work on monday. and he can go to storage and pick up my xmas stuff!! of course i'm in it for myself. why else would i be interested?

he's having a good day. no arguing or misunderstandings. i'm on my best behavior. and he isn't lost in melancholy and memory and junk thoughts like most years. i'm glad. this is going to be a great holiday season.

i have to make more jewelry. i'm still convinced that my stuff will start to sell on ebay. i'm ready to make more to fill any voids.

he's kicking my ass at monopoly, i have to go see if i can turn the tables in 20 minutes or less.

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