- Fri, 18:00: Stop Poking Me Lady: The Spoken CD https://t.co/vnMnBftTQ6
- Sat, 07:34: she's at it again! http://t.co/TxdrleF0dt
- Sat, 07:36: you can't deny the joy http://t.co/NYOer7o9wT
- Sat, 07:39: never forget Doris Day http://t.co/wd50EX5pcU
- Sat, 07:41: just so you don't forget Doris Day http://t.co/Js8xsZtwrM
- Sat, 07:56: get ready for ol' blue eyes http://t.co/QnZRWq5KF6
- Sat, 08:00: something a bit more modern? (there won't be much of that) http://t.co/bc0keflttl
- Sat, 08:04: how could i resist? http://t.co/2EAM5YALA0
My tweets
dry hot and dusty as hell
My last surviving grand parent died a couple of weeks ago. Two days to the hour o my Nana's death, my favorite cat, Boo, died in my arms. The grief…
Hey there, hi there, ho there
I'm back, bitches and bastards, TC paid for a forever pass, I should use it. The cops came over and did a welfare check about a month ago. My…
Got Caught Stealing
Having had yet another clever thing stolen by a bunch of what I have to assume are white middle aged hate macines; The line in my twitter profile…
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