Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

My tweets

  • Thu, 23:54: RT @addictionguy: .@thepoliticalcat I like having a cat. It's like having an adult in the house who is constantly suspicious of whatever I …
  • Thu, 23:55: RT @GSpellchecker: Christianity: Because 38,000 denominations can't be wrong!
  • Fri, 00:28: RT @jen_august: I offer no apologies for my manner, my style, or my tone. There are many who will be happy to adjust for you. I’m not one o…
  • Fri, 05:46: for someone with such a hateful mouth, @ToddKincannon's home address was remarkably easy to find.
  • Fri, 08:16: RT @Tris_Stock: "'What was the Republican Party?' -- Trivia question in the year 2033" ~ Andy Borowitz
  • Fri, 08:18: RT @Eightinchgoat: I'm far less concerned about the number of guns in America than I am about the number of hate-filled people.
  • Fri, 08:18: RT @DDiamond13: Until the #GOP & Teabillies figure out a way to pay back the 24 BILLION they cost our country, they should STFU about "wast…
  • Fri, 08:20: RT @LoveYoorFate: I'll see your daddy issues and raise you mommy AND daddy issues! *blows finger guns* *slams shot* *runs after date cryin…
  • Fri, 08:20: RT @gvicks: There's no money in poetry, but there's no poetry in money, either...
  • Fri, 08:56: left wanting ambition
Tags: twitter

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