- Sat, 16:03: blahdy-blahdy blah http://t.co/bpbUr1ZsTq
- Sat, 16:19: RT @CM2BTTHD: The glass may be half-empty or half-full, but, right now, there's something floating in mine.
- Sat, 16:52: RT @ArrowsOfTheSun: I hate hipsters. Their smug faces, vegan diet, tiny feet & sawdust bedding. No wait. Hamsters. I hate hamsters.
- Sat, 17:18: RT @Cass472: Some people will pretend to care just so they can get a better seat to watch your struggle
- Sat, 17:23: RT @HollyMemphis: Damned if you do, bored if you don't
- Sun, 03:37: cydniey clever: http://t.co/IQiYI9a5VC via @YouTube
- Sun, 03:39: new video - "clever" http://t.co/U7C1NAFt4z
- Sun, 07:23: John Stamos and his evil greek yogurt have no power over me, ha!
- Sun, 11:18: i wasn't content being done unpacking, i had to spend the morning at storage bringing stuff home to unpack. at least i got my books back.
- Sun, 11:52: put down the laptop, doc http://t.co/30sCkNLEzI
My tweets
My tweets
Mon, 15:03: Can you #name the #movie the #pets are #ignoring in this #video? #You #might #need #headphones.… https://t.co/QTTSBpSqT8…
My tweets
Sat, 06:34: #Birth and #Death: not #art, just " #shit in a #container." @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/7WIi34DZyN Sat,…
My tweets
Mon, 17:29: #Rose- #dog takes a #break from #napping. @ Las Vegas At Mountain Vista https://t.co/Awi2xVLtgG Mon, 17:30: I #planted…
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