- Sat, 15:20: a friend of mine posted that they would prefer Assad over Obama. WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? i am at a loss, completely speechless.
- Sat, 16:46: RT @IronAtheist: So christianity isn't harmful eh religies? Scary at how many will read this & agree with her What a fucking bitch! http:…
- Sat, 17:51: monsoon sunset, yes, another damn sunset. at least it's not one of the freaking cats. http://t.co/o6f4qu6T7j
- Sat, 19:43: i fell into the younger side of twitter today and i really weep for our future as a country.
- Sat, 20:45: RT @Petote: I'm no hero. I put my bra on one boob at a time, just like everyone else.
- Sun, 04:33: RT @ShoutingGoddess: When strong people crack...look the fuck out.
- Sun, 05:12: i'm not like this all t time http://t.co/QIO3lXGjx1
- Sun, 09:03: you are the problem http://t.co/rIgospufqx
- Sun, 09:11: why did i wait so long to start listening to Harry Connick Jr.? this guy makes me hap-hap-happy.
- Sun, 09:20: guess what? the cam on the laptop is working! http://t.co/VzS4ASh7EG, i know, it's almost too much to handle.
- Sun, 09:29: RT @IAM_SHAKESPEARE: But must my sons be slaughtered in the streets
- Sun, 09:50: honey, i suggest you learn to give great head, because your brain and your fingers aren't doing you any favors.
- Sun, 10:32: forever a classic, turn it up. http://t.co/rcdOfufPyb
- Sun, 11:09: go ahead, slam shut the last door you have open. it's not my problem if you can't help fucking up everything you touch.
- Sun, 11:35: cant. stop. listening. http://t.co/YmVkFarol8
- Sun, 11:37: RT @Douchekevin: I could of handled that better .. Me. Almost always With everything. What? Whatever.. Fuck you! Sorry I could of handled…