Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

tech stuff and dog stuff

okay, i found one of the firewires. but the drivers for my mp3 player don't work. and it isn't just the laptop, i tried it on another operating system. no go. for now i'm letting it go, i'll do more research and try to find different drivers later.

the pintrest link of the day is roses and sunsets and such things.

chewy brought me an unharmed baby lizard last night. i played with it and fed it a couple of meal worms and then put it on the lizard wall. it was so cute and soft.

i don't think chewy is going to make a good Service Dog. but i will work with him for the next year and see if we make any progress. i need to download a book on dog training, since i don't have the time or way to do obedience classes. i just have to keep going to the park to socialize him and train him myself. he's a clever dog. i'm excited to see what we can do together.

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