Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

and time passes

why are pot dealers always so unreliable? i guess that's a self answering question, if i think about it. i'd like to find a dealer that doesn't smoke their product and believes in customer service. when i get my medical card, i can just go to a dispensary. enough of this waiting around and getting blown off.

chewy is curled up with doc on the couch. i knew getting him a dog would be a good thing. he tries to keep his distance, but every time he goes out around the neighborhood he takes the dog, he looks for reasons to take chewy for walks.

i've just taken a huge trazodone to try to calm down. the valium wasn't doing it for me. i guess i could have had my remaining three beers and had the same effect as the trazodone. but i didn't feel like drinking and maybe by the time the side effects hit me, i'll welcome the buzz. if nothing else, it will put me to sleep.

much sleep and time later . . .

it is now 3:38 in the morning. i just ate pasta alfredo and i feel sick. i should have given it to chewy and felix. they were fighting over it.

oh, cam note: when it's pointed out to show the cats hanging out, if you see chewy there, it's because i'm outside smoking and i didn't take him with me. that's him pouting. and it points to the cats more than me because they are more interesting.

i'm thinking of taking it down to 30 seconds between pictures instead of 45. it's popular enough to warrant that. which reminds me, i need to put an email link on the cam page. it would be nice to get feedback. i know people are watching. i'd like to hear from some of them.

there's nothing but news on, i'm sick of zimmerman. i think i'll sign off and watch burn notice.

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