Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

surprisingly, i'm pretty calm about the laptop. it will be a month before we can get it fixed. i can't access blue max with either of my working computers, but i'm sure the data is safe. and i have my music stick, as doc calls it. i can't make videos, but i'd pretty much lost interest in it.

i didn't go to the slam tonight. and here's why: i just can't stand my old work anymore. and my new work is visual, it will have to be published. it loses so much when it is spoken. so i didn't want to go. i'll still go to the one on the 12th at the double down. like i said, i want to judge at that one. i know i'll get past this. i'll either start writing stuff that can be read aloud and on the page, or i'll come to an understanding with my own work and view the readings as acting gigs to see if i can still pull the pieces off.

did i mention Major meows? constantly? yeah, more talkative than ANY siamese i ever had, and we used to breed them. so i've had a lot of siamese cats. jabbery things they are, but silent as monks compared to this black cat. i don't know where he learned it, i can't even imagine how one would train a cat to meow so much. doc said he was silent the entire time he knew Major, up until the scooter ride. then Major howled, much like he did on his way to and from the vet yesterday. and he peed in his carrier, and of course we had him in the soft carrier with the lamb's fur lining. good kitty?

speaking of the vet, they are trying really hard to get our return business. the whole time we were there, everyone we saw was all smiley smiley and could they get us anything and were we sure and here are some treats for . . . oh Major? what a cute name . . . it was insane. then yesterday evening a girl called Shiloh rang and left a message thanking us for coming in and if we had ANY questions or concerns, to please let her know so she could address them. touching. but they are twice as far and twice as expensive as Dr. Rose. and all the cats love her. so we'll take him there for his shots. he has his rabies, and that is what is important. he's got his tag on. we got it in the mail a few days after we adopted him.

and speaking of Major, he slept with me yesterday and today. all together now . . . awwwww . . . he stretches out along my back like simon. so cute. and he shuts up while i'm asleep.

maybe it just hasn't hit me yet about the laptop. maybe i need to do a lot of work on this machine and this happened for a reason.

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