Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

Major has claimed me as his big

he and simon are working out an arrangement with regards to my bedroom. so far the closet is okay, but simon has strong objections to major being on the bed. we'll work on that. major is now eating the dog food that red left here in a bowl. he is a strange cat, he will fit right in here.

i didn't have any coffee today until doc made me. i thought i would just be tired, i had no idea at all that i would turn into a raging bitch. doc finally had enough, put my orange juice away and poured me a cup of coffee. i feel much better now. the fifth element is on, i'm caffinated and i was finally able to delete Red from my friends on facebook. there's something wrong in her world, her phone has been logged in to facebook longer than it ever has before. something tells me she's not with it.

i read doc my poem from today and he gave me some constructive criticism on it and i added a new ending. it ties the cat in at the end now. instead of just dropping off and ending suddenly.

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