Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

Bobo is not Bobo, is Major

last night we decided that Bobo was a stupid name for a cat. it isn't butch enough. so i suggested "Korben". i tried it out on the cat, and didn't like it a bit. moving on . . . two syllables, not a human name, okay. after a few tries, i came up with "Major". he answered to it. a name was found.

i actually had doc read the poem i posted earlier. you must understand, doc does not read my poetry. he does not listen to it or watch my videos. there is no reason behind it. he just doesn't. but i was so proud of this poem, i had to have him read it. and guess what? he liked it! said it was very different from my usual stuff. encouraged me to keep writing like that. asked me if i thought all the Bukowski had had an effect on my work. wondered if i had tried to write it. no, i told him, i didn't try to write it, it just came. there was no forcing it or thinking of the next line. each word just popped into my head, ready to take its place among others. that's the way it should be.

know what else you can download? classical music. i read that CB listened to classical music, and i wondered if that would satisfy my craving for music without the words to distract me. so i'm downloading a sample of Mozarts's greatest hits. if that goes well, i'll go for some Beethoven.

oh, wow. doc brought me home a gallon of orange juice and i just poured myself a big icy glass of it. mmm. i haven't had orange juice since the infamous vodka night (you remember, the one where i drank half a bottle of vodka with a pill chaser and had my own personal version of fight club . . .). it tastes much better without the vodka. i just can't hold my drink.

i'm done writing. i'm going to go surf some poetry sites and see if i can't get some work in there somewhere.

have a great evening!

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