Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

sleep and a lack of

after falling asleep at the desk at 4:30, i lit some incense and went to bed. i couldn't sleep. so i meditated for an hour and a half and then got back up. i feel like i got sleep. i think after a shower i will feel even better.

oh yes, the shower was glorious. hot hot hot water followed by fans blowing cold air. so great. i'm scrubbed, conditioned, lotioned, perfumed, combed out, scrunched and ready to go!

i suddenly realized that i have no emotional connection to my birth name anymore. in fact, i can't believe people called me Kris for so long. just typing the name is strange. i've been Cydniey for so long now. i think it may be time to legally change my name and make it official. break all ties to my birth family, since i'm living my own life without them.

okay, there is nothing but cereal for breakfast, so i think i'll skip it. oh, wait, i have a cheeseburger in the fridge. ha! three more days and we get to go grocery shopping. we are not by any means out of food, just food that i like. i started eating all of a sudden and ate everything i had in the house.

then it's time to get to work. i'm in the mood to edit, so it's time to get in gear with the poetry harvest.

go listen to my new piece: it isn't quite a love poem, more of a friendship poem.

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