yesterday was great because he was immersed in this season's NCS episodes and sleeping. i had peace. today he's all full of his regular self.
that's it. i'm done with him. headphones back on, volume set to 100%. i know he doesn't want a fight, he just can't help himself. he's a meddler. and i don't want to fight with him. so i will retreat into my music and write until it is time to try to feed BB again.
he asked if i was venting about him in here, i said yes, no point in lying. and he laughed. that's how i know he's actually in a good mood.
i'm grumpy and hungry and i don't want fish. i want something rich and warm and gooey. and savory. i could really go for some shepherd's pie right now. all i have in the house is tuna and crackers and some salmon fillets that are still thawing. i'll have the for dinner with a nice saffron rice.
he offered to go to the store for me . . . now i just have to isolate what i want him to get for me to cook. i could really go for a quiche . . . no, too expensive for end-of-the-month. this is when we hoard all our money for bills and rent and such. my pay for the month is tapped out from cat food and bird supplies. i have $10 hidden away for taco bell. but doc won't go to taco bell because their employees are always rude and stupid with him. it seems they only hire white teens. yeah, that is NOT who i want touching my food.
the bird has yet to make a sound. she's sleeping with indirect heat right now. we weren't keeping her warm enough. if she survives it will be a miracle.