- Sun, 14:06: doc bought this for the kitchen today, he has such good taste #ThriftStoreChicHomestyle http://t.co/ynSRmFZV
- Sun, 14:12: got a call from the "found cat" people. not jack. kitten, no white, fuzzy. i'm not giving up hope.
- Sun, 14:14: i'm waiting for the #puppybowl to start. i can't wait until the halftime show with the kittens!
- Sun, 15:10: even freddie is watching the #PuppyBowl. i love this!
- Sun, 15:43: we're rescuing a shelter cat that was slated for termination. doc brings him home in an hour. i'm so excited!
- Sun, 16:00: THE KITTY HALFTIME SHOW!!!! #PuppyBowl
- Sun, 20:20: say "welcome" to our newest family member, Vader http://t.co/BkbeP55D
- Mon, 03:31: we named him Vader… http://t.co/KZPiMKIN
- Mon, 03:54: wow, vader has gas. kitty farts are NOT cute.
- Mon, 04:40: vader doesn't mind that i shake all the time, he cuddles up with me anyway. cool kitty.
- Mon, 08:47: freddie demon eyes http://t.co/2hVy1LnQ
- Mon, 08:48: vader in profile http://t.co/p8wNWuRk