Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers

My tweets

  • Sun, 12:25: RT @AtheistHawkeye2: If ur morality is based on an afterlife reward scheme, it's not a morality I recognise, do what is right regardless ...
  • Mon, 00:37: "it was a teenage wedding and the old folks wished them well."
  • Mon, 03:31: bagira drama…
  • Mon, 07:08: it's one of THOSE days on twitter, i cannot tolerate the blanket stupidity of the sheep. republicans and the religious, look out.
  • Mon, 07:30: "He's a big, strong man with a child's mind, don't you take his booze away!" - Dropkick Murphys
  • Mon, 07:38: okay, @BelellKaeh i confess, i am a mentally ill gun owner looking for righties to target. that should get me put away, right?
  • Mon, 07:53: i have a rightie friend who is perfectly capable of answering questions straight and being civil, obviously she is a rare thing.
  • Mon, 08:22: @WBCShirl #NationalDestructionIsComing could you hint as to when, i want to know if i should bother with the mastectomy.
  • Mon, 08:24: RT @rickygervais: I'm slowly realising that Twitter is like sport - So much easier and less dangerous if you just watch.
  • Mon, 09:57: "sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy"…
Tags: twitter

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