then, this morning, the cigarette roller just fell apart in my hand. so i had to call and leave him a message. which i'm not supposed to do with bad news, but he didn't have any smokes to take to work, and if he needs to go get a new one, he should know to do it on the way home.
he's going to throttle me. this is a bad bad day. and it's only thursday. i'll get used to his schedule if i have to stay up for 24 hours to do it.
oh, i got my lj backed up. i can only read one entry at a time, so i'm looking for another way to back it up. but i found a poem about doc. an angry-ish one. i didn't think i wrote about him but i keep finding poems about him scattered around.
i took a xanax on top of my valium to calm down. he'll be home in 45 mintes. i want to calm down. i don't want to react when he yells at me. i just want to be zen. i'm really sorry, both were accidents and i don't know how to make it up to him. i did the dishes. precious little. i'll vacuum.