Cydniey Buffers (cydniey) wrote,
Cydniey Buffers


this valium makes me fuzzy around the edges. kelli said i sounded blurry. i wasn't supposed to call her, but i needed her. doc said to use only his phone to call her, but his phone is never around when i need her.

it's finally raining. the clouds hold in the sound of the landing jets and it sounds like great peals of thunder. kind of neat. my rose bushes are getting water.

we ordered a gift for doc's parents today. it's supposed to be delivered by xmas. i hope they send us nummies this year. the last two years it's been steaks, ick. but before that it was wolferman's, yummy english muffins and preserves and such.

kelli said she's sending a package. that means new cat toys. the fuzzies will be so happy. freddie has almost worn out her haul from last xmas. simon has a couple of beat up toys hidden around my room somewhere. he brings them out in the middle of the night and plays on the bed with them. because of the comforter, i don't even feel it. usually. didn't last night. didn't feel anything.

now that it's raining i can go to sleep. i made doc take the truck today, so i don't have to worry about him driving home in the rain on the scooter.

time for a brief nap.

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