- Mon, 20:03: stuff and blather http://t.co/j0M2AiCo
- Mon, 20:06: RT @MichaelDOReilly: 'Happy atheist' Ricky Gervais rewrites Pat Robertson: http://t.co/bX7VkkCF via @msnbc @rickygervais
- Mon, 20:31: thank you @Lawrence for showing that not all us atheists are miserable curs. we are actually quite a thoughtful and happy bunch. #atheist
- Mon, 21:05: RT @ItsmeRashie: I've got a total of 8 followers on my @GodlessTwat account. Help a fellow #atheist out with an RT please? #AtheistRollC ...
- Mon, 21:59: google+ doesn't think my name is the name of an individual. stupid stupid stupid.
- Tue, 08:27: you could be drinking gin http://t.co/Nb5MzRFl
- Tue, 08:29: "baby it's cold outside" - holiday playlist. an atheist xmas. #atheist #christmas
- Tue, 08:49: i made delicious cinnamon coffee. i can't wait to have a cuppa!
- Tue, 09:12: delicious cinnamon coffee and fresh greens. oh joy! #420Somewhere #holyfuckgoodcoffe
- Tue, 09:20: what's your favorite bible myth? it doesn't have to originate in the bible, for ex. mine started with the sumerians. Noah. #AtheistRollCall
- Tue, 09:34: RT @cnnbrk: Gay men sue counselors who promised to make them straight. http://t.co/m9WT4yx4
- Tue, 09:35: RT @ItsTheAtheist: When I believed in god, I would pray that my life would get better, when I started believing in myself, my life did g ...
- Tue, 09:38: RT @SKYENICOLAS: FINALLY! United Nations Announces Global Ban on Female Genital Mutilation http://t.co/eoYLaIq0 #RELIGION #CULTURE
- Tue, 09:44: RT @pMoss_vegas: Books make great #Christmas gifts. BLUE VEGAS & VEGAS KNOCKOUT available everywhere, including Kindle & Nook e ...
- Tue, 10:10: jingle bells by the muppets #atheist #XmasPlaylist
- Tue, 11:58: RT @HuffingtonPost: Man spends life savings building 'Noah's Ark' in preparation for Mayan apocalypse http://t.co/ViyO35IE