- Sat, 12:55: RT @TheTweetOfGod: I did not invent gay. It was around long before I was.
- Sat, 13:44: i just took my pills in the wrong order, now someone's going to explode.
- Sat, 13:51: stop thanking god for the power being back on in #Sandy savaged areas, it was PSEG, thank them, you ingrates. #atheist
- Sat, 13:56: RT @katyperry: You've sent love and light to the East Coast. Now it's time to send warm meals and shelter! Text RED CROSS To 90999 to do ...
- Sat, 14:02: RT @lizzwinstead: How do you have teachable moments with people who remove science and evolution from textbooks?
- Sat, 14:35: RT @GodlessAndHappy: I hate that religion needs to be exposed it makes me seem bitter but anyone with a conscience must speak out about ...
- Sat, 17:25: i'm giving in to my hamburger craving, pink slime and all.
- Sun, 00:09: i never can sleep the night of a time change, i have to stay awake and watch the cable clock turn back. small thrills.
- Sun, 01:11: not too late http://t.co/D5MzIJVw
- Sun, 04:43: RT @ActivistAtheist: Denying a Rape Victim Abortion Care Violates Her Human Rights, Rules European Court http://t.co/lH6dW5ke
- Sun, 05:37: okay, i can cope with this time change thing. the sun is coming up already.
- Sun, 05:55: RT @jannieeyes: Important Read! How Romney Would Treat Women- & it impacts ALL of us! http://t.co/n5SAZPTf #prochoice
- Sun, 06:21: post catnip nap, lelu dallas multicat http://t.co/QEW5GLO7
- Sun, 07:45: i just heard my first xmas carol, let the party begin! santa day is coming! colored lights n candy canes n gigerbread n silly songs! oi!
- Sun, 07:56: Parents kill teenage daughter in acid attack in Kashmir Pakistan for talking to a man http://t.co/eJGr0fFC #theistssuck
- Sun, 08:02: @realDonaldTrump what do you think of these drapes?
- Sun, 08:12: a poem for @MittRomney and his buddies http://t.co/93M1OTmT