- Mon, 17:41: some say half full, some say half empty. i say fuck the glass, what else have we got?
- Mon, 18:01: i start crying. he says, "stop it." it's myself i want to hurt today. i can't kick myself in the shins.
- Mon, 18:05: #ReasonsWeCantBeTogether i might kill you in your sleep and feed chunks of you to my cats.
- Tue, 05:34: RT @AJEnglish: Opinion: Medical marijuana is a legitimate way to cope with various ails, so why fuss over a plant in the ground? http:// ...
- Tue, 09:12: "drug yourself up, fine, but don't you go cracking a smile." http://t.co/2jPslps5
- Tue, 10:32: @MittRomney is Ann a first class citizen to you or a good mormon wife? #LDSWomen
- Tue, 10:34: i want to know @MittRomney's stand on women. this is why: http://t.co/Hk8ncSCU
- Tue, 11:02: RT @SophiaBush: What are you waiting for?! People are voting already! Are you registered so you can too? Do it here in 5 minutes: http:/ ...
- Tue, 11:02: RT @froomkin: PA voter ID ruling "skewed in favor of the lazy who refuse to exercise the necessary work ethic" says bill's sponsor http ...
- Tue, 11:03: i don't know about you but i'm getting really tired of being told i'm lazy because i'm poor.
- Tue, 11:20: #LDSWomen : lj entry http://t.co/Ayp2Mbjb
- Tue, 11:29: RT @idiot3qu3: The worst "lady part" to the #GOP: The brain. RT @LOLGOP: GOP to "lady parts:" You should neither be seen nor heard.
- Tue, 11:40: RT @TeaPartyCat: George Will says "The only reason Obama is winning is because he's black. Black people have always had it easy in this ...
- Tue, 11:49: i got bit on the hip by a fire ant. OWWW. my whole legs hurts and there is a big welt.
- Tue, 11:53: RT @HuffingtonPost: Dan Savage: "Every dead gay kid is a victory for the Family Research Council" http://t.co/Iu4pNBxk
- Tue, 11:54: RT @rstevens: “What do we want?” “COFFEE!” “When do we want it?” “I’ll fucking CUT you!”