- Thu, 16:38: i could have used this article the other night as i defended my own love for @henryrollins . . . http://t.co/efw9FVyK
- Thu, 16:44: RT @pattonoswalt: "Don't make me sparkle. You wouldn't like me when I sparkle." -- "Broadway" Bruce Banner
- Thu, 19:28: in 2 weeks freddie can't learn "outside", but two days of calling it "bop bop" and she gets it forever, damn cat.
- Thu, 19:59: journal entry: "i see you standing all by yourself" http://t.co/fLCG7pWt
- Thu, 20:01: RT @SKYENICOLAS: The truth is, it’s really not a “long story”… I’m just too lazy to explain how it happened.
- Thu, 20:03: i finally found the perfect sweet in my coffee . . . but i wasn't paying attention when i poured the sugar. dammit.
- Thu, 20:32: RT @Progressive_Now: How about a stop the ACTUAL war act? RT @NatResources: House to Consider Stop the War on Coal Act Next Week
- Thu, 22:03: halloween commercials . . . only one more month until the xmas commercials start. joy.
- Thu, 23:19: @johncusack you likely get asked this a lot, but i'm curious . . . which movie did you have the most fun doing?
- Fri, 09:03: RT @AP: National test results show just a quarter of U.S. students are proficient in writing, even with spellcheck: http://t.co/M4s84uSP -SC
- Fri, 09:08: "Mitt Romney says he defines "middle-income" as people who make $200,000 to $250,000 a year." wow, are we poor. i had no idea how poor.
- Fri, 09:46: Keep in mind, Mitt's church's founder and prophet was killed by religious lynch mob, this is personal for him. #mormonsinpolitics
- Fri, 10:23: just think, if Mormons were as sensitive as those in the middle east, Matt and Trey would be burning by now.
- Fri, 10:53: this is simon next to me during the last thunderstorm. http://t.co/brsTSeWs
- Fri, 10:54: felix refuses to get up with me, he likes to sleep in before his day of sleeping. http://t.co/6vpstX29
- Fri, 11:03: you're just not being a good cat Big if you don't hit yourself in the face with the wand toy at least once, you're not doing it right.
- Fri, 11:06: simon the stray plays for the first time: http://t.co/A912aKPy a small but important victory. #cat #stray #rescue